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Servicedistinguishes TGM from other component heater manufacturers Our focus is building a turnkey Sublimation Prevention System that is measured, designed, and field installed by our engineering team.
Pyewch® SPS patented technology sets a new benchmark for thermal safety, efficiency, and reliability.
Pyewch Concept
Pyewch® is a system of custom heated removable insulation jackets designed to meet your specific needs for controlled heat. Measured-Engineered-Installed, The Pyewch® system is a comprehensive turnkey solution
Safety is an important part of the Pyewch® system
Your safety is important to us. That is why we have included as many safety features as possible and will continue to shape our product design around safety
Gas Supply Lines
Certain gases used to convey dopants that are deposited on the
wafer surface require heat. Constant moisture free gas flow is important. Included in this category are SiH2Cl2, BCL3, C5F8, and WF6. These gas delivery lines are heated using electric heat trace and insulation.
We have found that controlling the temperature in incremental zones from the gas source to the mass flow valve in the tool produces the best results.
Pyewch®SPS patented technology sets a new benchmark for thermal safety, efficiency, and reliability.
Pyewch Concept
Pyewch®is a system of custom-heated, removable insulation jackets designed to meet your specific needs for controlled heat. Measured-Engineered-Installed, ThePyewch® system is a comprehensive turnkey solution.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does your Pyewch® system work?
The Pyewch® System is a zoned heating system used on foreline and exhaust line vacuum tubing and components. Each zone is comprised of numerous covers totaling up to, but not exceeding, 10 Amps per zone. Since our heater jackets are so efficient, we are able to accomplish the job using significantly less power than competing systems. A PID microprocessor-based temperature controller controls each zone. RTD's are used to sense the temperature of the pipe, not the heater.
How do I measure the piping?
It is not necessary for you to measure the pipe unless you are simply trying to get a ballpark pricing for the project. We provide a complete turnkey system: measured, engineered, and installed. The only thing that we ask is that you provide the proper power receptacle near the control cabinet and that you have some type of shelf or mounting bracket near where you would like the controls mounted.
How is your system different?
TGM is proud that we provide a turnkey solution for heating your pump lines and your process gas delivery lines. Pyewch® is our patented insulated heating system that is PID controlled. The unique insulated construction of our heater jackets allows us to run longer heat zones with more even heating than previously thought possible. The actual power requirements to run our system are significantly less than competing products. This translates into a much lower cost of annual operation. It is also our goal to continue to decrease the power requirements of future products even further. Since we measure and manufacture the system, you can be assured that it will fit the pipe and that we will use the fewest covers necessary to do the job properly.
How much maintenance will I need to do?
There is little or no maintenance involved. When you need to remove a cover, simply turn off power to that zone and allow the system to cool below 50°C, then disconnect the power jumper and remove the cover. When it is time to reinstall the heater jacket, inspect the pipe and the inside of the cover carefully for metal burrs, or any other foreign matter that might puncture, damage, or burn if in contact with the inside of the heater jacket. If the pipe is dirty, clean it before reinstalling the cover. If the heater jacket is dirty, both the inside and outside of the cover can be cleaned with a mild isopropyl alcohol solution and lint free cloth. Be sure that the cover is dry before reinstalling and power up. Also, check to see that all the power cables and jumpers are in place before reinstating power.
How can I protect my personnel from getting burned on the exterior surface?
This is not an issue. Our covers exceed the most stringent standards for personnel burn protection: SEMI S2-93 at 65°C, ASTM C1055 at 60°C, and the Mil SPEC _769 at 51.6°C. Shown in the graph below: even at an internal operational temperature of 150°C, the exterior surface temperature of our cover never exceeds 40°C.
How do I clean a cover?
If the heater jacket becomes dirty, both the inside and outside of the cover can be cleaned with a mild isopropyl alcohol solution and a lint free cloth. Be cautious not to over wet the inside of the cover and be sure to let it dry thoroughly before power up.
Our sub-fab is dirty and sometimes has spills, what happens to a cover if it gets wet?
Each cover has a resilient waterproof exterior jacket, along with military style connectors that are moisture resistant when mated, the extra safety precaution of an integral ground plane over the heating element and each control cabinet has built-in GFCI for personnel protection. During installation every precaution is made to route both the seams and cables to provide a watershed so that, in the unlikely event of a spill, water will just run off. If the water does migrate into a longitudinal lap and soak a heating element, the GFCI breakers will trip. This is for your safety! Thoroughly remove and dry all wet heater jackets and bench test before attempting to restart the system.
How can I tell if a cover is out?
Each Pyewch® heater jacket has a built-in indicator lamp. During normal operation the light will cycle on and off with the PID controllers application of power to that zone. All covers have a built-in over-temp protection device that will open if the cover exceeds a predetermined operational temperature. This device opening in an over-temp situation or a failure in the heating element will cause the green lamp to go out. This is how you can visually tell if a cover is not functioning properly.
What temperature do Pyewch® heater jackets come in?
Unlike some other products, our covers are controlled and can be operated accurately at any temperature up to 200°C.
What size of pipe can we heat with these covers?
40,50,80,100, and 150 mm stainless steel tubing and custom sizes, including small tanks.
Do you manufacture standard sizes?
Pyewch® heater jackets are made to fit standard 40,50,80,100, and 150 mm stainless steel tubing. However, we have manufactured custom covers to fit iron pipe and tanks up to 4' in diameter.
What type of fastening method do you use?
All of our covers use a clean room approved hook and loop type closure. This fastener gives adjustable means of closing the heater jacket.
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